Note: Special Handling Fees Apply
This Bed Tilt Cylinder from Miller Industries is designed to withstand the
necessary forces and be used at stated pressures. It meets industry and
government specifications, so it will prove itself when the job really matters.
It is used on the assembly of many Miller Car Carriers, including Challenger,
Century, Champion, Holmes, and Vulcan. See the features below for a full list
of carriers and see the brochure tab for breakdowns.
- Bore: 3"
- Stroke: 16.25"
- Standard color is black
- Uses Seal Kit 12-0306133
- Uses Cylinder Pin 12-0702434
- Uses Snap Rings 12-0301642
- Century 10 Series Carriers
- Century 20 Series Carriers
- Century 30 Series Carriers
- Challenger Car Carriers
- Champion 19'-21' Carriers
- Holmes 10 Series Carriers
- Vulcan 10 Series Carriers
- Vulcan 10 Series Extreme Angle Carriers