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SafeAll Trafffic Commander Six-Diode LED Replacement Strobe Light

SKU: SA-TC-002-1078
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The light bar function of your Traffic Commander is made possible by 16 LED strobe lights located around the perimeter of the frame and two more positioned on the forward-facing side of the sign. These evenly spaced warning lights provide additional safety to the operator and can be used when the sign is in the upright or stowed position. Should one of these surface-mounted lights fail or get damaged, replacement LED lights are available to ensure your Traffic Commander is functioning properly and delivering much-needed visibility to your roadside scene. These six (6) LED modules are available in a clear lens with four standard diode colors: amber, blue, red and white. Choose your color from the drop-down menu at right.

  • SafeAll replacement strobe light
  • Six (6) LED module
  • Clear polycarbonate lens
  • Diode colors: Amber, blue, red and white